NYC IMS: Gunny to Unveil Zach Ness Victory

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Zach Ness Victory Custom (Video)

For 2012, the first Victory Motorcycle to be customized will be entrusted to the creativity of Arlen Ness’ grandson, Zach Ness.

The customized motorcycle, which will be unveiled by Gunny at New York City’s International Motorcycle Show at “high noon” Saturday, Jan. 21, is not part of the famed Ness signature series.

Rather, Victory let Zach have uncontrolled imagination when designing the bike. Speaking of the creation, the American V-Twin manufacturer says “There are no boundaries, no rules, and only one will be made…by him, for him.”

Even the heads at Victory don’t know what Zach Ness is building, but Gunny says it better not be a “showboat trailer queen.”

See what else Gunny had to say to Zach in this hilarious preview of the Zach Ness custom that will be unveiled at NYC IMS.


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