Gold Wing Touring on Blue Ridge Parkway

2012 Honda Gold Wing Video

"Clean, green and untraveled" is the way Honda describes the Blue Ridge Parkway, the ultimate destination for the touring motorcyclist.

The Parkway runs 469 miles through the Appalachian Trail from Waynesboro, Va., to Cherokee, N.C., providing some of the most breath-taking views within the United States.

In the attached video above, Honda displays its ultimate touring machine traveling through the Blue Ridge Parkway – the 2012 Gold Wing.

For 2012, Honda upgraded its flagship tourer with many amenities needed for long-distance travel, including an updated GPS navigation system with user-friendly program-ability for sharing favorite ride routes with friends and other riders, which can be accessed online.

Honda also redesigned the fairing for extra protection from the elements, and added seven liters of space to the 2012 GoldWing; the machine now has over 150 liters of cargo capacity including the trunk and fairing pockets.

Regarding rider/passenger comfort, the suspension has been updated for comfort but with enhanced sporty capabilities. The motor and drivetrain have been refined, and the 2012 Goldwing has extra luggage space, and greater protection from wind and weather.

The GL1800 also received some upgrades to its fuel-injected 1832cc six-cylinder engine and drivetrain, allowing for more efficient grand touring.

For a review of the 2012 Honda Gold Wing, click here.


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