Casales & Sanz wins Italy Trials

European Youth Championship

Spanish Jorge Carrasco Casales and Laia Sanz step-up in the first round of the European Youth Championship, started at Coazze, North-West of Italy. On the 12 sections both dominated their categories, respectively the Youth Championship and the Women Championship.

Laia Sanz, is s sure bet without any doubt. Sanz keeps winning every single Women’s European Trial Championship event she part takes in. The Spaniard remains unbeaten since August 2002, when she won the first one of now eight consecutive European titles.

The Spanish pilot, 9-time world champion, started a little tense but that was all!  She scored 1 point in the whole lap, and she did the same in the second lap. Two points in total against the 19 of the runner-up, British Becky Cook . In third, we found British Joanne Coles, who lost any chance to fight for victory scoring a bad "24" in the first lap.

Laia Sanz

"Generally speaking it hasn’t been a tough competition, although some sections were really hard and more complicated then they looked. When I first checked the track I didn’t expect the big point differences that there finally were."

2 (1 + 1)

2. Rebekah COOK (SHERCO)
19 (9 + 10)

3. Joanne COLLES (GAS GAS)
36 (24 + 12)

4. Sandrine JUFFET (GAS GAS)
58 (39 + 19)

5. Marilin JOURNET (GAS GAS)
76 (41 + 35)

In the Youth Championship, nobody could know the skill of the riders, being the first event of the season in which pilots coming from different countries compete together. Now the trial world can say to have found an other champion.

Spanish Casales scored 16 marks, that was almost one by four what scored the second, British Chris Short, whose card was carried by 60 penalties.

Behind him the gap between the other rivals was quite smooth: 5 riders in 2 points. On the third step of podium went Swedish Eddie Karlsson, thanks to 2 "dabs" more of French Antoine Chantegret.

Good weather until the prize-giving , when it started raining, and a perfect location of the sections, all grouped in less than 1 square km , let public, workers and riders enjoyed more this event.


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