The motorcycle accident lawyers at MotorEagles represent motorcycle accident injury victims and now lend their legal expertise and enthusiasm for riding to the MotorEagles Web site, an online legal resource that offers advice about motorcycle accident laws and riding regulations.
Most people have a preconceived idea that it costs a lot of money to be represented by a skilled motorcycle accident attorney whose main focus is injury law. At MotorEagles, we take great pride in being able to represent motorcycle accident injury victims who, in most cases, will pay us nothing unless we have a successful outcome with MotorEagles and our ability to work on a contingency fee basis, the average individual – someone who could not usually afford to hire a big law firm – now has the ability to hire a big law firm with all of its resources and level the playing field between themselves and the big insurance companies.
MotorEagles is led by motorcycle accident lawyers who ride themselves and who are dedicated to promoting public awareness of motorcyclists, rider safety and protecting the rights of injured motorcyclists. These legal professionals are interested in educating the public regarding the issues and misconceptions about motorcycle riding and ownership. One particular area that is often met with misinformation involves motorcycle accident laws. One myth is that most accidents are the fault of the rider, which is not necessarily the case. A second myth is that having representation after a motorcycle accident is costly. MotorEagles aims to dispel this myth.
"Most people have a preconceived idea that it costs a lot of money to be represented by a skilled motorcycle accident attorney whose main focus is injury law. At MotorEagles, we take great pride in being able to represent motorcycle accident injury victims who, in most cases, will pay us nothing unless we have a successful outcome," clarifies Dave Elk, co-founder and attorney with MotorEagles.
Art Elk, also a partner at MotorEagles, further explains that, "with MotorEagles and our ability to work on a contingency fee basis, the average individual – someone who could not usually afford to hire a big law firm – now has the ability to hire a big law firm with all of its resources and level the playing field between themselves and the big insurance companies."
The motorcycle accident lawyers at MotorEagles encourage education and motorcycle safety awareness for all riders, whether they currently need representation from a riding accident or simply want to stay on top of current riding guidelines, news, and information.