Los Angeles Piston Company

Motocross Pistons

L.A. Sleeve introduced the Los Angeles Piston Company (LAPC) and its own motorcycle Piston line at the 2011 Indy Dealer Trade Show this week.

L.A. Sleeve has entwined their knowledge with the great race engine builders of yesterday, and today, to come up with what they think will answer the demand of so many, a great piston top motocross (mx) and all-terrain vehicle (atv) professionals can punish for so much longer, at an economic solution the average rider can afford.

LAPC will offer 2-stroke and 4-stroke piston for most modern dirt bikes and atv’s. Unlike their piston making counterparts, LAPC will not create a mass produced market monster. Instead, the LAPC will focus on only today’s most popular models for offroad, mx and atv racing and recreation.

While limiting their product line to only popular models, their focus will concentrate at the finer points of piston flaws not being addressed by the big name piston brands.

LAPC will use their resources in racing to dissect the little things not being addressed by the mass produced piston brands. All LAPC pistons will have enhanced 2618 low silicon, or 4038 high silicon materials as their forgings. Pistons will be coated with their proprietary "ProMalloy" skirt and dome skating surfaces.

And, patrons get at no extra charge Pro-Cross Pro-Cool under crown micro machining for uniformed deck thickness. They’re just lightened enough, with spun-bossed and window milling, gas ported (if necessary), and grooved reduction valleys to grab any residual combustion gas not being captured by the initial piston ring defense.

And finally, precision honed wrist pin bores are standard for all piston applications.

Custom pistons will not be offered by the Los Angeles Piston Company. In order to produce a fine line of pistons for the professional rider and race team, yet remain economical for the average weekend warrior, LAPC strategically positions their place among the piston maker elites by not forgetting what creates a lasting relationship among their customers – affordability, quality and service.

LAPC will focus their piston line with those users in mind. Piston kits will range in the retail price of $62.00 to $120.00 for 2-strikes, and $78.00 to $205 for 4-strokes.

The LAPC pistons will be sold exclusively through Niks Distributing and L.A.SLEEVE. To learn more about the Los Angeles Piston Company, please visit www.lasleeve.com or call 562-945-1098.


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