The Bad Economy Buster Bling Bike Hunt

Custom Motorcycle Hunt

In the midst of an unprecedented economic downturn, four Arizona business owners are partnering together to offer a fun, positive and profitable idea for helping the ailing local economy.

A Phoenix resident recently wrote an open letter to her fellow citizens and Mayor Phil Gordon saying: "Dear Friends, enough is enough! Phoenix is like every city across this nation – we are facing a crisis and we need leaders to work together to find solutions. This is no time to blame the city for our financial crisis."

The passion of the letter sparked an idea that inspired four small businesses to collaborate on a statewide promotional cross-marketing program that aims to help Arizona merchants by increasing consumer traffic into their shops.

Valerie Thompson Racing, Sucker Punch Sally’s, Biker Babes and Beyond and Bikers Defense announced "The BAD Economy Buster Bling Bike Hunt."

The motorcycle hunt is open to all merchants in Arizona as well as "wannabe" custom motorcycle owners.

The hunt for the keys to a custom motorcycle manufactured by Sucker Punch Sally’s of Scottsdale, Ariz., begins February 1, 2011 as clues to the whereabouts of the bike, worth approximately $35K, become available weekly through participating merchants.

Selling opportunities to merchants opened Dec. 1. A new clue about the motorcycle huntwill be issued every week at the retail locations of these participating merchants.

People can go to any of the locations to pick up a clue access ID to view the weekly video clue by registering on the contest’s website. Participating merchants should see increased foot traffic through their stores, restaurants, and establishments.

Mid-way through the motorcycle hunt event in March an important free clue will be issued to participating media for distribution to their audiences. Persons hunting for the custom bike keys will need ALL clues to be successful in finding the keys to the bike.

Valerie Thompson says: "Participating merchants stand to make increased in-store sales due to the additional foot traffic it will promote."

Christian Clayton (CEO of Sucker Punch Sally’s) says: "We have fantastic plans for this motorcycle. The general model I can talk about but the many extras will be revealed when the keys are actually found and all the details will be released. We are really excited to build this machine and participate in the event."

Participating partners will be given the opportunity to host a "Search Party" promotional event (at their own expense) during the nine weeks of clue distributions, featuring an appearance by Valerie Thompson of Valerie Thompson Racing, to increase visibility for the store while also increasing foot traffic.

Citizen journalist photos and stories will be encouraged and sent out weekly to participating media to update the public and let them in on some of the fun.

Valerie Thompson will be making celebrity appearances by appointment at store locations who wish to host a bike hunt party where people can exchange information about their attempts to find the bike, thus narrowing possibilities.

Biker Babes and Beyond will be furnishing full riding apparel to the person who finds the keys first and earns the bike.

Representatives from the "Bad Economy Buster Bling Bike Hunt" will be canvassing the State of Arizona making clues available for the motorcycle hunt to all participating merchants through Jan. 30, 2011 – two days before the motorcycle hunt begins.


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