Bus driver caught texting before crashing

Just days ago, a bus driver was caught on video texting for six minutes before crashing into a sports utility vehicle that had stopped in traffic. The driver of the SUV suffered neck injuries, but luckily no one was killed due to the bus driver’s negligence. Caught Texting Video

Had it been a motorcycle the bus plowed into, the results might have been far more deadly. This is just one example of the inherent dangers motorcyclists face every day on the road – the danger of other motorists.

"The most common type of collision occurs when a driver makes a left turn in an intersection directly in front of a oncoming motorcyclist. Afterwards, they usually say they never even saw the bike," said Motorcycle Safety Foundation (MSF) President Tim Buche. "This is why it is so important for drivers to remember to expect to see motorcyclists on the roadway no matter what time of year."

Drivers have plenty of distractions, but many of these are within their power to control, like fiddling with the radio, applying make-up, eating, talking on cell phones, checking text messages, or worse yet, sending text messages while driving. In fact, according to the February 2008 issue of Brain Research, even if a driver uses a hands-free cell phone, there’s a 37 percent drop in activity in the region of the brain used for navigation.

May is Motorcycle Awareness Month and sharing the roadway is where motorist awareness starts. The MSF urges all car, bus, truck, and other motor vehicle drivers to follow the key safety messages listed below:

MSF’s 5 Key Messages for Drivers

1. Look for Motorcyclists – Use your eyes and mirrors to see what’s around, and check the blind spots when you’re changing lanes or turning at intersections. Look, and look again.

2. Focus on Driving – Hang up the phone, put down the MP3 player, settle the passengers, and drive. And NO texting.

3. Use Your Turn Signals – Signal your intentions for everyone’s safety.

4. Give Two-Wheelers Some Room – Don’t tailgate or pass too closely.

5. Take Your Time – Nothing is as important as the safety of your loved ones, yourself, and the others with whom you share the road.

For additional safety tips, video instruction, and other resources to help car, truck, and bus drivers learn how to safely interact with motorcyclists on the nation’s streets and highways, visit forcardrivers.com, a website launched by the MSF in 2008.

Since 1973, the Motorcycle Safety Foundation has set internationally recognized standards that promote the safety of motorcyclists with rider education courses, operator licensing tests, and public information programs. The MSF works with the federal government, state agencies, the military, and others to offer training for all skill levels so riders can enjoy a lifetime of safe, responsible motorcycling.


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