Tour de USA® for prostate cancer prevention

Prostate cancer strikes one of every six men. According to the National Cancer Society, almost 29,000 men, like Dan Fogelberg, die each year from prostate cancer in 2008, many because they simply did not know in time for effective treatment.

Prostate Cancer Awareness Project (PCaAP) President Robert Hess announced today that he personally will ride across the US and back by motorcycle to raise awareness of the critical importance of annual testing in reducing the annual prostate cancer death toll. Almost half of all men fail to test for prostate cancer even though it is the most common non-skin cancer for men. Money raised during the ride will be used to fund prostate cancer screening programs for men without medical coverage.

The ride will begin in June 2010 at the statehouse in Sacramento, California, and will trace a northern route, statehouse-to-statehouse, to Capitol Hill in Washington, DC. Following meetings with Congressional delegations, Mr. Hess will return to California via a southern route, again stopping at statehouses along the way.

Full events details will be posted at as they are developed.

The PCaAP is looking for state coordinators to help with arranging PR venues and for men and women who would like to participate in this unique event. To become part of this event, just send an email to


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