Mississippi & Texas Ride for Kids Raise $62,000

Mississippi & Texas Ride for Kids Raise $62,000

Mississippi & Texas Ride for Kids Raise $62,000

Mississippi & Texas Ride for Kids 2014

This past weekend, Ride for Kids events in Mississippi and Texas raised more than $62,000 for the Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation.

More than 400 riders attended the events to honor the Ride for Kids Stars, local children with brain tumors: Caiden, Caitlyn Bree, Chris, Heaven, Jocelyn, Katelyn, Katie, Mackenzi, Matt, Otoniel, Prisca and Sutton.

“The Ride for Kids makes us feel like we are a part of one big family. Together we are all trying to fight this terrible disease,” Mackenzi’s mom, Laura, told the riders. “We can’t thank all of you enough for making us feel at home.”

Mississippi Ride for Kids Recap:

The first Mississippi Ride for Kids attracted more than 200 participants on a warm, sunny day in Ridgeland. The Oct. 26 event had raised $35,339 for the Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation by ride time.

The event’s Stars were the eight local brain tumor survivors who led the ride from Holmes Community College: Caiden, Caitlyn Bree, Chris, Katelyn, Katie, Matt, Prisca and Sutton.

“In 1991 I was told I had a brain tumor and the doctors wanted to do radiation and chemotherapy,” Star Prisca told the crowd. “My mother contacted the PBTF and they helped me get a second opinion. As a result, I am now a 21-year survivor.”

As of Oct. 26, the individual, motorcycle club/chapter and motorcycle business with the most raised were Nelson Pope ($5,585), Got Gear Motorsports riders ($5,587) and Got Gear Motorsports ($8,857).

The event is still collecting donations online at www.rideforkids.org. Fundraisers will receive incentive credit through Nov. 26.

Jarvis McGee won the drawing for a new Honda motorcycle, and a Cardo Scala Rider TeamSet went to Billy Hoffman.

Thank you to the dedicated volunteers who organized the event. This year’s task force leaders were Kevin Roberts and Nelson Pope.

Texas Ride for Kids Recap:

San Antonio’s second Ride for Kids event featured warm weather and sunshine for nearly 200 riders on Oct. 26. The event had raised $27,345 for the Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation by ride time.

The event’s Stars were the four local brain tumor survivors who led the ride from Retama Park in Selma: Heaven, Jocelyn, Mackenzi and Otoniel.

“The Ride for Kids makes us feel like we are a part of one big family. Together we are all trying to fight this terrible disease,” Mackenzi’s mom, Laura, told the riders. “We can’t thank all of you enough for making us feel at home.”

As of Oct. 26, the individual, motorcycle club/chapter and motorcycle business with the most raised were Sara Serna ($1,338), Ladies on Wheels San Antonio ($4,477) and Alamo Cycle-Plex ($2,903). The top special organization was Team Mackey ($400).

The event is still collecting donations online at www.rideforkids.org. Fundraisers will receive incentive credit through Nov. 26.

Ted Bates won the drawing for a new Honda motorcycle, and a Cardo Scala Rider TeamSet went to John Chervinskis. Alana Achille won a Tour Master gift card.

Alamo Cycle-Plex generously donated a tire and Scorpion helmet won by Ken Jordan and Jennifer West, respectively.

Many thanks to KSAT Channel 12 for joining the event and helping spread our mission to cure the kids. Thanks also to the dedicated volunteers who organized the event, including task force leaders Debra Wickham and Brenda Thiele.

Making life better for Ride for Kids Stars is the reason motorcyclists across the country ride for the PBTF, which funds medical research and family support programs to help eliminate the challenges of childhood brain tumors.

For additional information, visit Ride for Kids.


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