Motorcycle Safety Tips
The staff at Ultimate MotorCycling had its share of motorcycle accidents. And when the crashes involved automobile(s), the drivers’ responses were usually the same – “I didn’t see him.”
To help combat these situations, the Motorcycle Safety Foundation offers a new way to “stand out in traffic and compensate for inattentive car drivers” – the “Pretend You Are Invisible” campaign.
“Motorcyclists should pretend they are invisible to car drivers,” said Ken Glaser, MSF’s director of special projects. “If you assume others on the road can’t see you on a motorcycle, you will tend to ride in a hyper-aware mindset and notice much more detail of your surroundings. Pretending you cannot be seen by others will help you take the initiative to ride more responsibly and defensively.”
The tips include many ways to garner the attention of other drivers, including wearing easy-to-see riding gear, a bright helmet, and using a headlight. Also, the MSF recommends all riders take approved riding-training courses to learn how to control a motorcycle during emergencies.
“We hope that safety-minded organizations and publications will pass Quick Tips on to their audiences and encourage motorcyclists to make themselves more visible on the road,” Glaser said. “We also encourage riders to make the wise choice to protect themselves by wearing all the gear, all the time.”
The “Quick Tips: Pretend You Are Invisible” sheet is uploaded below. For other MSF tips, visit
I prefer to think others CAN see me – and are going to try to take me out when I least suspect it. Gotta be ready at all times for anything.