Indianapolis Motor Speedway names CFO

Rhonda Winter was named as chief information officer of the Indianapolis Motor Speedway, a new position that will guide the direction of all information technology and related business units of the company.

Experienced information technology executive Winter will oversee the existing Information Technology department and the newly created New Media & Consumer Strategies department.

"I’m very excited to join the Indianapolis Motor Speedway in this new role," Winter said. "Technology is a key tool that can be leveraged to enable strategies and grow core businesses, and I’m looking forward to ensuring that IMS continues as a worldwide motorsports leader in this area."

Winter comes to IMS with vast, successful experience in information technology. She established and developed high-performance technology infrastructure as the chief information officer at CIK Enterprises in Indianapolis from 2006-09 and as CIO for the Indianapolis Museum of Art from 2003-06.

She served as managing director of information technology for the NCAA from 1998-2003, overseeing the technology needs of the college athletics association as it moved from Kansas City, Mo., to Indianapolis. She also updated and improved all technology delivered to NCAA members and for NCAA championships, including countless software applications for scores, statistics and other data for thousands of collegiate sporting events.

Winter, who holds a master’s degree in engineering from Purdue University, also has previous work experience with General Motors.

"Providing clear focus and vision for the ever-growing role of information technology is a priority for this company," IMS President and CEO Jeff Belskus said. "Rhonda Winter has the skills and experience to achieve this task, as her record of success and achievement speaks volumes about her abilities, and we welcome her to IMS."

The New Media & Consumer Strategies department will consolidate the new media efforts of IMS and the Indy Racing League, including public and internal Web sites, online retail, online ticketing, the Indy Downforce fan club and media Web sites and credentials.

Reporting to Winter will be Chuck Ferguson, senior director of Information Technology, and Jarrod Krisiloff, director of New Media & Consumer Strategies.

"The New Media & Consumer Strategies department will provide a unified new media strategy for each of our events, utilizing all of the great assets that IMS has built over the last 100 years," Belskus said. "This cohesive strategy also will create a richer experience and more efficiency and convenience for our customers."


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