Bullet Proof 883 Iron and More
The Motorcycle Radio Network heads west to Southern California where Ultimate MotorCycling takes us on a more sedate cruise down city streets and highways with a Real Time Road Test on Harley-Davidson’s new Iron 883 Sportster. In case you haven’t noticed, Harley-Davidson’s Sportster lineup has taken its wonderful new school rubber-mount chassis and sent it off to old school finishing class. Harley’s new Iron 883 joins the Nightster and XR1200 Sportsters in giving a retro dose of style to today’s lineup.
Our tester straps his Cardo Scala Rider Bluetooth headset-equipped helmet on for a ride on Southern California’s highways and city streets. You can hear his report on the Iron 883 here, and you’ll definitely want to listen to feedback on why this 50+MPG motorcycle belongs in your garage.
Finally, we should warn our listeners that Bill has this thing for the incredibly skilled Jesse James. He watches movies about Jesse, he reads books about Jesse, and if there is a TV show about Jesse, he arranges his schedule around that show. (Bill has been too busy in the Motorcycle Radio Garage to learn how to operate his TiVo.) You probably have trouble believing that Bill’s new favorite television show is Jesse James is a Deadman on Spike TV, and he gives us a review on this week’s show here.
Listen: Our Harley-Davidson 883 Radio Review
Read: Our Harley-Davidson 883 Iron Review
Read: Our Harley-Davidson 883 Iron Preview