The possibility of encountering an incident involving traumatic injury when traveling the nation’s roads is very real.
According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) in 2019, an estimated 84,000 motorcyclists were injured in crashes; in the same year, NHTSA reports that 5,014 were killed.
Encountering an injury accident scene on your motorcycle can happen on pretty much any ride and could even involve someone you know. Being able to render aid can make a huge difference in the outcome for those injured.
Knowing what to do and having the supplies necessary to do it is now easier than ever. An Australian company called TACMED supplies both the opportunity to learn what to do and how to do it and has just introduced a compact motorcycle trauma kit that can easily be stowed in your saddlebag or backpack.
The Smartaid Motorcycle Trauma Kit measures about 7½” x 5” x 3” and contains nine items that are useful in managing injuries. Included are (see image):
- 1x SOFTT-W Tourniquet
- 1x 4″ Olaes Trauma Dressing
- 1x Pair of Hyfin Vent Chest Seals
- 1x Pair Trauma Shears
- 2x Pairs Nitrile Gloves
- 1x Emergency Thermal Blanket
- 1x Reflective Helmet Sticker
Of course, having the gear is one thing—knowing how and when to use it is another. TACMED includes a QR code on the kit label that makes dedicated training videos accessible by scanning the code.
All fifty states have some variation on what is known as a “Good Samaritan Law.” In general, these laws protect a person who renders aid to another person who is injured or ill from liability as long as they act in good faith and without the expectation of any payment or reward in return. The specifics of these laws vary across the states, so it’s good to check them out in the state you do your riding in.
The price in Australia is $109; for additional information, visit TACMED.
Note: nothing in this article constitutes medical or legal advice.
For more on motorcycle crashes, visit NHTSA Crash data.