SBS EVO Sinter Brake Pads Review: Contributor Tested on Aprilia Tuono

SBS EVO Sinter Brake Pads Review: Brembo Calipers

SBS EVO Sinter Brake Pads Review: Reader Tested

Review by Ultimate Motorcycling Contributor Joe La Croix 

Sometimes timing works perfectly. When I was offered the opportunity to test a set of SBS street performance brake pads, it just so happened the front pads on my 2016 Aprilia Tuono Factory were ready for replacement.

The Tuono, formerly my canyon and track bike, was recently relegated to canyon only. I initially thought even if the SBS EVO Sinter pads are lacking compared to the Brembos that came as original equipment, the aftermarket brake pads should be good enough for canyon riding.

SBS EVO Sinter Brake Pads Review: Old Brakes
Older OEM brakes with 10K

The OEM pads had 10,000 miles, and were showing wear, which was obvious by the pads becoming thinner and wearing unevenly, as well as a change in lever pull and progressiveness of the brake lever.

In addition, the brake fluid looks low in the reservoir; the thinner pads allow the pistons to sit farther in towards the brake discs, depleting the fluid in the reservoir.

This is a good point to remember; when your brake fluid looks low, if you add fluid and then later change pads, your fluid will be overflowing. Remember to check your pads for serious wear.

Removal of the old pads and installation of the new ones on the Tuono could not be easier. If you choose to, you can leave the calipers on and remove the pin, then pull the pads out the back.

SBS EVO Sinter Brake Pads Review: Brembo Calipers

You would then insert the new pads the same way. I chose to remove the calipers and use a tooth brush and soapy water to clean the gunk out of the inside of the calipers and all around the pistons.

That 10,000 miles of brake dust can cause a bit of grime, which will inhibit movement of the pistons. I don’t use brake cleaner inside the calipers because it can harm the rubber.

Before starting, I used 220 grit sand paper to get any residue from the old pads off the brake rotors. If the pads you put on are not made of the same material as the ones you take off, the two different materials may cause grabbiness or pulsing when you apply the brakes.

The new SBS EVO pads will not get a positive grip on the old pad material that has been left on the discs. A bit of sanding on both sides of each disc, then wipe them down with brake cleaner. Good as new.

I have never gone for a ride looking for red lights before, but bedding in a new set of brake pads requires you to use the brakes repeatedly to heat them up. As I rode, and stopped time and again, and more aggressively each time, I could feel the pads bedding in cleanly, so I either cleaned the discs well, or the material was the same.

I was not able to find information to compare the materials of each type of pad, which made the cleaning that much more important. As I kept riding and progressively stopping harder, the SBS EVO Sinter brakes worked flawlessly. The initial bite is not too aggressive, which I like.

SBS EVO Sinter Brake Pads Review: Aprilia Tuono
The SBS Evo Sinter brake pads in action

I like to trail brake, and also find myself correcting my lines or speed in corners from time to time, and with a light touch, adding a little brake is not a bad thing. With the SBS street performance pads you get exactly what you give in terms of lever pull and stopping performance.

The SBS EVO Sinter brake bads are easily modulated with a smooth linear feel. Stopping power is plentiful.

The SBS pads work optimally, and I can see myself enjoying them for the next 10,000 miles. I will definitely use the SBS EVO Sinter performance street pads when it is time for another set.

For additional information, visit SBS.