Bean’re Rides Minibike 1407 Miles from KY to Sturgis – Breaks Record

Bean’re Rides Minibike 1407 Miles from KY to Sturgis - Breaks Record

Mayor Bean’re Rides Minibike from Louisville to Sturgis

Author of the popular book “Motorcycle Nomad” and celebrated personality in the motorcycle culture, Kevin “Bean’re” has officially set a new Guinness World Record for longest distance traveled on a pocket mini bike at 1,407.6 miles.

The 6’1″ biker rode off on a tiny 49cc pocket mini bike from Louisville, Kentucky, at 10 a.m. on July 20th bound for the world’s largest motorcycle rally in Sturgis, South Dakota. Destination specifically was the renowned Sturgis Buffalo Chip Campground where Bean’re is their Official “Mayor of Fun.”

Dressed in a custom made stars and stripes outfit and matching helmet and socks, he rolled into the Black Hills of Sturgis on Monday, July 28th at 3:30pm. “It was much like the mini bike scene in [the movie] ‘Dumb and Dumber’ except this scene was nine days long!” said Bean’re.

Three good friends dubbed “Team Bean’re” joined him for the journey. Brother Speed drove an old pickup truck from South Carolina, Kevin “Mailman” O’Brien rolled along from Georgia in a van towing the motorcycles and Tim Ford chugged on his Harley nearby the pocket mini riding biker.

Along the way, fans greeted the comical motorcycle nomad and took pictures with him and his cast of characters. He rode through Kentucky, Indiana, Illinois, Missouri, Iowa and South Dakota.

The latest record was set in March this year by William Rodgers of Tennessee who rode 509 miles beating out the previous record of 445.26 miles held from 2009. Bean’re originally was going to be riding a vintage minibike but was having transmission problems with it. When William learned of Bean’re’s challenges to get his minibike running, he lent him his record-setting pocket mini bike including all the extra tires and parts.

“I couldn’t keep livin’ the dream without the support of my friends, and Team Bean’re really stepped up to help me every step of the way to make this record breaking dream into reality. It was alot of fun,” said the Mayor of Fun.

And the only challenge Bean’re experienced was being chased by a funnel cloud in Iowa and the handlebars falling off after a fuel stop in South Dakota. Truly a nomad who calls the road his home, he does not have a residence other than his custom motorcycle that he built.

He employs his way around the globe as a carpenter, having fun as the Mayor of Fun and selling his book published by Wolfgang Publications at events. His book, “Motorcycle Nomad” is now in its third printing. World famous painter, David Uhl, created a feature canvas of Bean’re entitled “Iron Horse Heist” for the official 2013 Sturgis painting.

Go to for more. Also, check out the spoof video above showing Bean’re getting observed by Homeland Security…


  1. All show, no go! Still waiting on the info I have asked you for many times. What is the exact, make and model, year of the pitbike, and did you register it as an moped with KY? For some reason you are ducking the questions everywhere I ask you.You claimed on Louisville Vintage FB page to use a loophole to get it legal. I checked the KY laws, and would like know the exact model. If you feel you cannot answer that question. In lieu of an answer, I HEREBY CHALLENGE YOU TO AN CROSS COUNTRY RACE OR IRONBUTT 1000 ,1500 ride using IBR rules. NO trailers, vans or 4 wheel support or any kind. Just a bike with a spot tracer, and vidieo all the time.

  2. Because it’s already been done, and with no support! Bean’re’s a wimp who has to have a support van, then brags about a Long distance ride like he’s a hero! Many others have already done it without any help what so ever. Here’s one., Hell , I beat Bean’s record twice with no help. Only reason I never bothered with registering the record is because IT”S ALREADY BEEN DONE!! LOL! If Bean is such a badass record holder, how come he won’t answer any questions, on his own site, from fellow long distance small bike riders?


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