Harley News
Demos are a popular and exciting way for riders to experience the power and performance of Harley-Davidson motorcycles, and the new Harley-Davidson Dare to Compare Experience at the Americade Motorcycle Rally lets riders take an entire day’s ride on a new 2011 Harley motorcycle.
To experience the exhilarating difference of twisting the throttle on a new Harley-Davidson motorcycle, H-D is offering more than 200 events nationwide.
1. Since 2008, Harley-Davidson has tripled its fleet of motorcycles offered for dealer demo events due to the demand from riders. Harley-Davidson dealerships host over 180 free demo events at their stores. In addition, on a daily basis they offer individual test ride opportunities. Check out our website where you can schedule a free test ride online or find a dealer demo event nearest you, h-d.com/testride. Test rides are generally available for all licensed riders at participating Harley-Davidson dealerships anytime during the riding season.
2. Motor Company Demo Events are offered in more than 15 locations and are staffed by Harley-Davidson employees. These events offer our newest models to test. Also new this year is the opportunity for non-riders to experience our "Jumpstart." This stationary motorcycle allows aspiring customers to learn how to start, shift and twist the throttle on a fully-functioning motorcycle that does not move, h-d.com\demos.
3. Rentals are the ultimate test ride opportunity. Planning a trip to a new location, why not check out a new motorcycle at the same time, h-d.com/rentals.
The new one-day Dare to Compare Experience at this week’s Americade Motorcycle Rally will offer riders not only our demo test rides, but also the option to swap their competitive brand motorcycle to test ride a Harley-Davidson motorcycle for the day.
The Dare to Compare Experience is offered on a first-come, first-serve basis with select 2011 Harley-Davidson models from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. daily. It will be located at the Beach Road Lot down the hill from Fort William Henry. These rides are free, but participants must bring a valid motorcycle license, sign a release form and wear a helmet that meets DOT requirements and eye protection.
Steve Piehl (Harley-Davidson Director of Customer Experience) says: "With the riding season starting in scenic areas like Lake George, we’re daring riders to measure their motorcycles against ours and see why no other bike on the road compares to a Harley-Davidson.
"There’s more reason than ever to test ride and feel why Harley-Davidson motorcycle design, detail, power and heritage combine for a premium riding experience."