Cycle World: Major Changes at Top

Motorcycle Industry News

Although known for being a motorcycle magazine, Cycle World has joined the Jumpstart Automotive Group, a marketing organization that focuses on four wheels. Cycle World will be in a group that includes Vehix, Consumer Guide Automotive, JD Power Autos, Autos, Car and Driver, Road & Track, CarSoup, U.S. News, HybridCars, CarGurus, TrueCar, and PlugInCars.

Jumpstart Automotive Group’s focus is maximizing publisher revenue and advertiser results through innovative products and services. Additionally, Jumpstart claims to have been on the forefront of behavioral targeting and is now developing leading research and strategic insights products.

Larry Little, Cycle World’s Chief Brand Officer will no longer be with the magazine, and is being replaced by Andrew Leisner, a 30-plus-year motorsports veteran and senior-level marketing executive, who will be the Vice President of Integrated Sales & Marketing. 

Leisner will report directly to Nick Matarazzo, CEO of Jumpstart Automotive Group. Leisner has worked in advertising, sponsorship sales and implementation, media property management and sales, licensing, new-media marketing, and merchandising, among other positions in the powersports industry.

According to Jumpstart Automotive Group, "Leisner will oversee all sales and revenue strategies across the brand’s print and digital media platforms. Corey Eastman, Cycle World’s Vice-president of Brand Development, retains his role."

"Libby Hartung has been promoted to Western Sales Director and Dennis Scully has been promoted to Eastern Sales Director. Katie Kovaleff assumes responsibility for the aftermarket category. Mark Hoyer, Vice President of Brand Content and Editor-in-Chief, continues leading the rapid evolution of Cycle World’s content strategy, and will now report to Jumpstart’s COO, Grant Whitmore."

Nick Matarazzo says: "Jumpstart Automotive Group has been making decisive moves to deliver multi-platform opportunities that tap into the brand essence of the diverse, high-performance media companies that we bring to the table, while also offering the consumer reach, performance and insights like no other competitor."


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