2012 Pacific Coast Dream Machines Show


The Whimsical, the Quirky and Motorcycles

For two days in April, the Half Moon Bay Airport will become one of the oddest places on earth due to a display of many quirky contraptions and flying machines at the Pacific Coast Dream Machines Show.

But it’s not just these oddities present at Half Moon Bay April 28-29; also present will be some cool cars, and of course custom motorcycles.

The shows promoter, Miramar Events, says: “One of the west coast’s biggest shows, this remarkable exhibit will feature hundreds of motorcycles representing every era and style complete with rumbling engines, impeccable detail work, and sparkling chrome – from antique turn-of-the-century models, high-performance sport, racing and off-road bikes to the hottest custom bikes of the modern era.

All motorcycles and two-wheel club riders are expected. Mirmar says all brands will be represented, from “turn-of-the-century Indians to customized modern-day Harleys,” to motorcycles from Ducati, Norton, BMW, Moto Guzzi and more.

With the motorcycles are the “whimsical, fascinating, amusing, curious and absolutely unique show and tell spectacle” will feature 2,000 magnificent driving, flying and working machines from the 20th and 21st centuries. Also present will be the world’s “coolest” cars, from Model T fire engines to historical aircraft to vintage buses.

The 22nd annual Pacific Coast Dream Machines Show, which will benefit Coastside Adult Health Center, will run from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. April 28-29 at the Half Moon Bay Airport, 20 miles south of San Francisco.

To show a motorcycle, the registration fee is $30 ($40 for entries postmarked after April 15) and includes a commemorative pin and admission for two people.

Spectator admission is $20 ($30 for 2-day pass) for adults, $10 ($15 for 2-day pass) for ages 11-17 and 65+, and free for kids age 10 and under. Tickets are available at the gate only.

For information and registration forms, call 650-726-2328, or visit miramarevents.com/dreammachines.


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