Harley-Davidson: Captain America Documentary

Harley-Davidson Video

Harley-Davidson collaborated with Marvel Studios to create five motorcycles for the Captain America: The First Avenger film, which traces Captain America’s origins as a World War II era Super Hero who rode a military motorcycle as a means of transportation.

The Motor Company coordinated the modification of the current day Harley-Davidson Cross Bones model to resemble an original 1942 WLA Army motorcycle. The Motor Company also worked with Marvel Studios to recreate additional parts, such as an ammunition box and leather gun scabbard, to ensure the motorcycles looked as authentic as possible.

Three bikes were used in the film for riding and stunts, and two were reserved for a scene in which Captain America lifts a motorcycle over his head at a USO appearance.

Two of the motorcycles will become part of the Harley-Davidson Museum’s permanent collection and one will be featured in a special temporary display at museum showcasing a sampling of items from the movie, including a Captain America leather "rescue jacket," his signature "A" helmet, and shield he carried in the film.



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