USGP Glen Helen
FIM Race Director at the FIM World Motocross Championships is a man named Dave Nicoll, but what many people might not know is that Nicoll won the very first major series between American and European riders.
Back in the days of BSA and CZ machines Nicoll was a top line Grand Prix racer.
It was back in 1970 that the tall British rider produced a consistent effort to win the very first Trans-AMA series.
Racing against the likes of Jeff Smith, Joel Robert and a young teenager called Brad Lackey the veteran of 40 years in the sport was consistent, not winning a single round of the eight round series, but he did enough to win the first ever Trans-AMA trophy.
Now in his late 60’s Nicoll is excited to be heading back to America where he will attend the 2010 United States Grand Prix. We decided to ask Mr. Nicoll about that experience and also about the up-coming United States Grand Prix.
Q: Dave, to find out we are going back to America for the USGP, how exciting is that for you?
Nicoll: It is fantastic, at first I didn’t believe it, but then I got the true story and what is nice about it America contacted Youthstream. I am so positive about it; it’s a big step forward for the World Motocross Championship.
Many American sponsors are interested in the race and I hope it’s a big success, which I think it will be. Everything is in place for this race to be a really special race and I can’t see anything standing in the way of this being anything but a great Grand Prix.
Q: Of course you have a happy history with American Motocross don’t you?
Nicoll: When we first went there it was the early years of American Motocross. I did the Trans-AMA in 1970 and Brad Lackey was riding as a 17 year old kid. I won the first ever Trans-AMA series, but, you need a bit of luck don’t you. They (American’s) were way behind us back then, but they caught up pretty quickly.
Q: What is your opinion of the race being held at Glen Helen?
Nicoll: I think it’s a really positive step and I can’t wait. We don’t we don’t change the Glen Helen track too much, it will be an all round American Grand Prix. I think the presentation will be huge, the people at Glen Helen are so keen to get it right and I think it’s going to be big.