7 Ways to Get Inspired To Write an Essay

Writing an essay

Inspiration to Write an Essay

You’ve probably heard the phrase “writer’s block.” It is a period of time when you have no wish, inspiration or energy to write or your motivation is almost extinct. It can happen not only to professional writers, novelists and bloggers but also to pupils, college or university students, and probably to everyone who from time to time is engaged in any writing activity.

Obviously enough, the more time you practice writing, the quicker you become, and the better you eventually are at it, just like for any other form of art. However, very often even the best writers seem powerless when meeting tight deadlines and feel the need to become inspired to get back to their A-game. To most people, writing seems easy but students know how difficult it is to write essays, especially those ones which their future is hinged on, such as application essays. It is no wonder that in the latter case a good number of students opt for the traditional essay writer services.

Writing an essayFor different reasons, we all lose our inspiration and desire to write. For some people, it is the simple fact that there isn’t much to be inspired with. Maybe their life has just turned into one boring routine. For others, it is fear that restrains their thinking process. Knowing that in your essay, you need to arrange your thoughts, articulate your inner feelings and at the same time, to satisfy the reader may take a toll on anyone. Another group of people is simply not used to writing something on a regular basis.

Different successful writers share various strategies for cracking the block-ceiling. Although these guidelines are unlikely to suit everyone, these compilations are sure to turn up your motivation a notch and help you get back to pen and paper.

Change the Scenery

“A change is as good as a rest.” This phrase is especially topical when it comes to writing. It is recommended to regularly change the location of your activity, not dramatically though. If you can afford a couple-day vacation, just go for it and the inspiration will come with the new impressions. In case you can’t, try to go for a walk in the park. Working sitting on the bench or on the grass there is just as great. Staying the whole day in the familiar environment on an everyday basis at some point will tire you and dispose you of any will to create something new. And even if the only place you can ever seem to get any work done is the library, maybe it’s time to try something different. Change your default settings and you may find that lost spark getting lit again.

Writing from a Personal Perspective

With academic writing, it is easy to copy the material that you have already read, just paraphrasing it. However, such writing is usually boring and nondescript. Writing from a personal perspective is more difficult because we may not know how to put our own experiences into words and then what we produce may sound not really interesting. However, this is the best way to get flow and speed into your writing. This is because it is easy to come up with the topics, characters, places, feelings and storylines. While some may have experiences that are intimidating and full of travels and color, the simplest tales often make the best stories. The crucial thing here is to pick one unique story from your life and try to express it in your own words. The story gradually picks itself up from there. If you try to put yourself in someone else’s story, you are likely to get stuck telling it.

Start Slow & Speed Up

Most of us can be accused of trying to pack everything in one punch and doing too much at a time. You may relax because the rubric requires only 1000 words. However, you’ll soon find out just how terrible this strategy of writing everything in one sitting is, unless you are overly motivated. The best efforts are usually slow and timed. You don’t need to have the entire essay written in just one sitting.

Depending on how much time you have before having the text ready, you can create a small timetable or a diary to divide the whole volume of writing into small portions of efforts. The start is likely to be slow and you may find yourself unable to meet the set quota. However, as you gather your thoughts and give your writing some sense of direction, you’ll will get into gear and the motivation will show up.

Make Writing Your Daily Ritual

This might not be useful for students or other people for whom writing is only a part of the assignments. Yet, if you want to be a great writer then you need to write regularly. There’s no shortcut here. Writing is not a science as much as it is art. If you want to develop in this sphere, art you need to put in your hours. With each new page that your write, you are projecting your own artistry and voice, and you learn how to tell any story from your perspective. Writing frequently also helps you compile your thoughts quicker, so that you with every new piece of writing you will spend fewer precious hours thinking too much about your story instead of actually writing it.

Get Into the Mood

It presupposes doing a wide range of things specific for each person. It can be your favorite album, some hot cocoa, poetry, a movie, exercise or meditation. It totally depends on individual idiosyncrasies. Anyway, you should find something that works for you and motivates you to write.

Read Widely

Probably the quickest way to get motivation to write is to read. Not just novels, but everything beginning with magazines, newspapers, blogs, textbooks and any other written material you have time to lay your hands on. They say the best readers often make the best writers. Conjuring up your writing genius is easy when you have a whole lot of material to think about and opinions relate to.

Get Rid of Distractions

Writing works best in a quiet place, especially when you are still looking for inspiration. Find a discreet place, away from all the noise and watch your creativity spring back to life.