American Motorcyclist Association Honors U.S. Military
“We are grateful for the willingness of those in our armed services to defend the United States and the American way of life,” said Rob Dingman, AMA president and CEO. “Veterans have always been a part of the motorcycle lifestyle, and we welcome them and the bedrock values they bring to the motorcycling community.”
The AMA proudly counts many veterans among its members and veterans’ groups among its sanctioned clubs.
“We must never forget the sacrifices of these servicemen and servicewomen and their families,” Dingman said. “The freedoms that we enjoy remain possible only through their dedication, patriotism and honor.”
One way the AMA demonstrates its commitment to veterans and its respect for their selfless service is by offering the military affinity membership card. Those joining the AMA or renewing their memberships may select the military affinity card online at