OCC & BIC Charity
Since starting Orange County Choppers (OCC) nine years ago, Paul Teutul Sr. has become a household name in the custom chopper scene.
Reality TV status from "American Chopper: Senior Vs. Junior" brought Paul (and his son Paul Jr.) even more motorcycle-buiilder fame, enabling him to reach over 3 million people.
When one has an audience that large, influencing others becomes much easier. And Paul Sr. uses this influence to his advantage.
Teutul Sr. and his OCC crew have become philanthropists in many ways, and continue to support different charity foundations, including the Make-A-Wish Foundation, one that grants the wishes of children with life-threatening medical conditions.
The OCC leader summed up his latest goodhearted effort in very few words: "It’s simple. Shave your head."
Yes, Paul Senior is asking Americans to shave their heads. The request may sound odd at first, but it’s for a good cause: the 2011 BIC 4 Good program.
Orange County Choppers teamed up with BIC for this get-bald-to-do-good agenda, one that supports the Make-A-Wish Foundation.The BIC and OCC relationship began when OCC built a custom motorcycle themed after the BIC Flex4 men’s razor; the bike was aired on an episode of American Chopper last week.
For the episode, the OCC men shaved their heads, mustaches and beards for the BIC 4 Good program.
Paul Teutul Sr. (OCC Owner) says: "It was a great thing to air on TV. Our show is reaching out to 3 million plus people, and everyone gets that message of how good it is to support the Make-A-Wish Foundation, which has always been our number one charity."
Here’s the way the Bic 4 Good program works: through June 30, 2011, BIC will make a donation to the Make-A-Wish Foundation for every submission on the BIC 4 Good website.
To submit an entry, simply upload a video or photo of your newly shaved head, or for those who are a little razor shy, participate by shaving virtually. BIC’s donations will vary by submission type, with $400 donated for every video, $40 for a photo and $4 for virtual shaves, with a minimum guaranteed donation of $50,000 up to a maximum of $75,000.
Jamie Kistner (Senior Brand Manager: Shavers, BIC Consumer Products USA) says: "America loves the crew from OCC and the folks here at BIC can see why. Clearly they have big hearts, and were excited about going bald for a good cause on national TV. The Make-A-Wish Foundation is a cause close to Paul Sr.’s heart and BIC 4 Good is thrilled to support it this year."
Paul Sr. immediately took control of the interview when asked about the OCC Bic Flex 4 Chopper, elaborating in that Senior tone made famous on American Chopper.
Paul Teutul Sr. says: "It went good, and it was a lot of fun. It was a challenge building the bike to look like a razor, but we incorporated everything into the bike to make it appear very razor-like."
And just how long did it take?
"Three weeks. The thing of it is we been doing it for nine years. When we have a three-week window in which we do it in, we always get it done. Generally for another shop, what we can do in three weeks others would take a year."
Of course, an updated was needed on the drama between Paul Sr. and Paul Jr. (Paul Jr. Designs). Paul Senior answered, "as good as can be."
Guess we’ll have to wait until Season 9 of American Chopper. Until that time, expect to see more charitable contributions from Paul Senior and the crew at OCC.
Photo Credit: Willie Davis