The American Motorcyclist Association (AMA) is encouraging the country’s millions of street riders to demonstrate the social benefits of commuting on two wheels on the 18th annual Ride to Work Day, Monday, June 15.
"Motorcycles and scooters are not only fun to ride, they are an efficient, economical way to get from point A to point B," said AMA President and CEO Rob Dingman. "This is true for the rider, but also for other commuters, as motorcycles take up less parking space, cause far less wear and tear on the road surface, and generally improve the flow of traffic compared to cars."
Ride to Work Day has become an international event in recent years, with participation in cities around the world and support from the Federation International de Motocyclisme. In the United States, it has been recognized on the floor of the House of Representatives by both Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-Ariz.) and Rep. Michael Burgess (R-Texas), both consistent supporters of motorcyclist’s rights.
According to the United States Census Bureau and the Department of Transportation, more than 80 million cars and light trucks are used for daily commuting on American roads, and about 200,000 motorcycles and scooters are a regular part of this mix. On Ride To Work Day, the practical side of riding becomes more visible as a larger number of America’s motorcycles and scooters are ridden to work.
"With such a significant increase in riders on America’s roads during the busiest time of day — rush hour — the benefits are clear," said AMA Vice President of Government Relations Ed Moreland. "Ride to Work Day also demonstrates to non-riders that motorcycles and scooters are a socially responsible form of transportation that conserve energy, help the environment and, let’s face it, are just a cool way to get around. And for riders, Ride to Work Day is a great reminder that the journey is every bit as important as the destination."
This year will be the 18th annual Ride to Work Day, which was started by Andy Goldfine, a member of the AMA Board of Directors and founder of the company Aerostich. More information about Ride to Work Day can be found at