Startmonkey200: Motorcycle Jump Start

Motorcycle Tools

Measuring 7″ x 2″, the handheld Startmonkey200 jump-start system is claimed to put out enough juice to restart a standard 12-volt motorcycle or car battery between 15 and 20 times on a full charge.

Mango International, the maker of Startmonkey 200 credits its High Energy Dynamic Polymer Battery for the unit’s performance and compact size.

Here is the process to follow to use the Startmonkey200, according to Mango International: First, check to ensure the engine battery is 12 volts. Next, check the battery capacity level in the Startmonkey200 and attach the jump leads to your motorcycle’s battery.

The Startmonkey200 will automatically start delivering 120 amps of continuous power. Leave the Startmonkey200 connected for 5-8 seconds, then turn the ignition on your bike and you are ready to hit the road again. Once your engine is running, the Startmonkey200 will automatically switch off. Disconnect the Startmonkey200 and store in case provided.

The front of the Startmonkey200 has a 4-segment LED array, and each LED indicated 25 percent of charge. When the Startmonkey200 is activated, the LED array lights up green to visually confirm that the Startmonkey 200 is charging the flat battery.

When the Startmonkey200 only has a quarter-charge left, the LED turns red. Mango International recommends that the Startmonkey200 be recharged when it gets to 50-percent power.

The Startmonkey200 has very low static wastage, according to Mango International. The maker claims you can leave it unused for up to three years and it will still hold up to 75 percent of its power.

Also, it can be recharged 500 times and last for years, according to Mango International. The MSRP for the Startmonkey200 is $200.


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